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Community Comments-Budget
3 August, 2023
hanbybd says:
Develop a new city “center” on west side (like New Braunfels, Hallettsville). “Historic” architecture similar to Galveston Strand.
3 August, 2023
hanbybd says:
Develop a new city “center” on west side (like New Braunfels, Hallettsville). “Historic” architecture similar to Galveston Strand.
31 July, 2023
Patty says:
Please fund a desperately needed shelter kennel tech and due to inflation please fund a 5% upper on supplies, spay neuter and vet care.
30 July, 2023
Cat Lady says:
LC Shelter is in desperate need of an additional kennel tech, animal control officer, increase in budget for medical services and supplies
30 July, 2023
PKitty says:
Please help animal services with an additional animal tech and animal patrol officer. Also give them more funds for care of all animals
30 July, 2023
Rejartx says:
Outdoor pickleball courts in Lobit park. More funding for animal shelter, Another animal officer and/or animal tech.
27 July, 2023
CC573 says:
Keep the seniors ceramics class going. This is the only social function many seniors can attend. It is always well attended.
26 July, 2023
Edwardvan00 says:
My concern about charges for damaged water meter antenna.
25 July, 2023
Unscented2735 says:
Public safety and core services should take priority over the "nice to have" things such as new parks.
25 July, 2023
Unscented2735 says:
Maintain our current infrastructure; the current reinvestment program is drastically underfunded. Support business development!!!
18 July, 2023
James4 says:
With the growth still coming to our city, we need to start funding higher and more salary to maintain employees here.
20 June, 2023
HDP_melissa says:
More parks!
Budget Workshops-Public Hearings
League City’s proposed FY2024 budget document has been reviewed and discussed with City Council during a series of work sessions from mid-July to early August.
Tuesday 12 September 2023 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Budget FY2024 Public Hearing
Second and Final Reading on FY2024 Budget Ordinacen.
Wednesday 20 September 2023 12:00 am to 12:00 am
Budget FY2024 Adoption
Deadline to adopt FY2024 Budget per City Charter. Details on adoption and adopted budget document will be availalbe soon after this date.
Budget Info
League City’s fiscal year starts October 1 to September 30
The budget for the City presents a complete financial plan for the next fiscal year, as well as reflecting the prior year’s actual expenses and the year-end estimate for the current fiscal year.
What’s the Budget Process?
The budget process starts many months before the adoption of the annual budget. It begins with City Council setting the goals for the year and continues with updating the Long-Range Financial Forecast.
The purpose of the forecast is to provide long-term context for annual decisions that will be made with the next year’s budget and Capital Improvement Plan.
The forecast advises City Council of prevailing economic conditions, the effect of our economic and operating environments on revenues and expenses, and options available for allocating funds in accordance with City Council goals and priorities.
These steps help us to determine what our current resources will be for the coming year so that we may appropriately allocate those resources to the various departments and/or capital improvement project.
How Did the Public Get Involved?
There are many ways the community was involved.
*Review the proposed budget document through the City’s website or in person at the Helen Hall Library.
*Attended Council workshops. (See Workshop Videos)
*Attended public hearings on the Budget on August 8 and 22) and sign up before the meeting to speak during the public hearing time.
*Attend any Council meeting and sign up before the meeting to speak during the Citizen Comments time.
Budget questions can be submitted to the Assistant City Manager-CFO- Angie Steelman or 281.338.4186.
Previous Adopted Budgets
League City Adopted Fiscal Year Budget 2023
League City Adopted Fiscal Year Budget 2022
Previous Budget Years proposed and adopted.