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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Amber Pedigo-Byrd

Manger of Community Engagement

Knowing that the voices of residents are heard and valued by local government is one of the keys to unlocking a successful future for our beautiful community.

League City Listens gives the citizens of a better say in what they want to see in their community.

Not everyone can attend a meeting or write a letter to their local representative on things they would like to see more or less of. This allows for more opinions to be heard and meets people where they are! What say YOU??

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League City Listens and your Voice is Valued!

Not everyone has time to attend a meeting to find a resolution to an issue. Some questions or concerns may not be topic specific. This page is designed for general engagement. What say You?? (max 140 characters).

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21 April, 2024

Spacey says:

Who in their right mind decided to have white paint in Helen’s Garden? White is so bright and it’s the first color you’ll see in any photo.

22 February, 2024

cdgrant2 says:

I would love to see a REAL farmer's market, not a craft market, I love knowing the food is locally grown, not from another country.

16 February, 2024

Keltziee says:

The Library! I would really like to urge City Council to please reconsider the new ordinance regarding library access.

19 January, 2024

Jimmer_9 says:

If the speed limit on 96 is going to stay 50mph, then all streets and entrance should have turn lanes into.

9 December, 2023

Ouijagirl says:

What happened to the holiday lighted tinsel decor that were attached to light poles throughout Main Street? Angels and candles, I think?

7 December, 2023

Brad Wolfe says:

New sign over the creek on I-45 calls it "Clear Creek Bayou." NO! It's Clear Creek. Got to get with TXDOT to rectify this travesty! Thks

17 October, 2023

JHart says:

Monitor speed limit on 518main, historical, so we could pull out. Also not get blasted by at 50+ mph and get honked at for going posted 30mp

16 September, 2023

Maria D Schoen says:

Install more traffic circles instead of traffic lights. I have to wait many times on the light at SH96 & Fennigan when there are no cars.

16 September, 2023

DaveS says:

League City needs more roundabouts and fewer traffic lights. League City Parkway has become League City Stopway. Roundabouts are safer.

10 September, 2023

mikensoniab says:

my issues are overspending on certain projects

9 September, 2023

Juany1858 says:

Would like to see improvement in the neighborhood behind City Hall@ intersection of Interurban and Galveston St it get trash dumpd offten

6 September, 2023

AmberPedigo says:

When is the next HOA Alliance Meeting and where do I sign up?