Master Mobility Plan Update 2023


This long-range plan provides transportation policy, goals, and objectives, with implementation strategies to guide the growth and development of League City’s thoroughfare network. The plan is updated every five years, with the last update approved by City Council in 2018.

The Master Mobility Plan emphasis will be placed on the local roadway network and its ability to adequately support future growth and development. The plan also identifies rights-of-way for the location and type of roadways needed to meet future transportation system demands.

The plan is based on existing and forecasted employment and population growth and considers existing system needs.

To learn more watch the video below!

Master Mobility Phase Timeline

Phase Timeline

Master Mobility Plan Phases
  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Phase 1: Informative/Listening

    In this phase we are gathering input from the community on areas of Traffic and Mobility they would like to see improved or transformed.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Phase 2: Collaborate

    In this phase we analyze the survey results and present the results to the appropriate assigned committee and City Council.

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Phase 3: Empower

    In this phase we will take direction from elected and appointed officials and consultants using our compiled data to complete the League City Master Mobility Plan for the next 5 years.

    This plan will drive future projects and will build on the needs of traffic, roads and bridges and other special projects.

Public Meetings

Past Public Meetings

League City Master Mobility Plan

Sunday, May 21, 2023 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm


League City had over 30 residents participate in the public meeting gathering feedback for the next phase of updating the Master Mobility Plan. Please click on the link below to watch the meeting in full.

Survey and Interactive Map Results

RESULTS-Interactive Map


Community Engagement Goals