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Sidewalks by the Numbers

As League City continues to grow, so does the need to maintain sidewalks and trails.

Did You Know....

Before and After Scenarios

Here are some examples of damage you may see in your neighborhood.

Tree (between back of curb and 10 foot from curb) City Right-of-Way

In this example, you see tree roots lifted and separated the sidewalk panels so ALL sidewalk panels needed replaced. Coordination between League City covered the costs of the sidewalk parallel to the street and also removed the tree. The homeowner was responsible from the doorstep to the sidewalk.

Root Repair After Repair

Sidewalk Damaged by Manhole-City Right-of-Way

This manhole had structural issues and that influenced the settlement near by. The infiltration occurred over a period of time, causing the base material to wash out. That lead to the sidewalk settling as the manhole remained in place. The old sidewalk was removed and a new sidewalk was installed matching existing manhole grade structure. League City paid for the repairs.

Manhole Damage Washout Repair
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Contact Information
Name City of League City
Phone 281-554-1265