Economic Development Market Study
A Market Study for the Western League City Study Area analyzed demographic growth and market trends for housing, commercial, office, and industrial properties.
Please click on each tab below to learn more about the specific types of development identified in the market study.
💹League City Market Study
🏬Commercial Development
Commercial refers to land designated for businesses and activities that provide goods, services, employment, and entertainment to the public. This category encompasses a broad range of uses, from small retail stores and restaurants to large shopping centers and hotels. Office buildings are also included in this category, which would provide an opportunity for League City residents to work closer to home, reducing commute times and enhancing the local economy. Large-scale commercial is mostly located along the Grand Parkway and neighborhood commercial is located along major arterials and collector intersections.
A balanced mix of residential and nonresidential land uses is essential to a city’s economic vitality. Nonresidential land uses balance the city’s tax revenue and contribute to fund city services and amenities for residents. This balance also supports job creation, local economic activity, and long-term fiscal sustainability, ensuring the city can efficiently provide services and maintain infrastructure while managing growth responsibly.
🏪Mixed Use Development
Mixed-use refers to land designated for development that includes a mix of land uses, such as commercial, office, business services, entertainment, retail, and other similar uses. Residential land uses such as multi-family may also be included as part of a mixed-use development.
🗼Industrial Development
Industrial land refers to land designated for manufacturing, processing, distribution, storage, and other industrial activities. These areas are designated along major roadways for access and buffered from single-family residential. Similar to commercial land uses, industrial land uses are vital to supporting economic growth and job creation while balancing the city’s tax revenue.
Learn more about this industrial project here.
🏁Who leads this effort?
Scott Livingston-Director of Economic Development